767 Chelwood Road, RR #1, Gabriola, BC V0R 1X1. lipstickpress@shaw.ca. www.lipstickpress.com
Friday, September 25, 2015
Calling all poets.
The Nanaimo Daily News is running a monthly column featuring a poem of the
month to promote local poets and to encourage people to write poetry themed on
A pair of anonymous poet judges will look through the submissions and choose one poem each month and it will be printed in the Daily News. City of Nanaimo inaugural poet laureate Naomi Beth Wakan will comment on the chosen poem so you can see why we liked it, and also to encourage you to write poetry.
The rules are simple:
1. You should be a resident of the Greater Nanaimo area;
2. The poem should be solely written by you (If your poem is selected you will be asked to sign a declaration that the poem is your work alone and that you have the rights to it. Submissions from people under 18 will require a parent’s signature)
3. The poem must be about Nanaimo (places and events – its past, present, future, places you like visiting, the cultural aspects, sports… whatever inspires you) and should be no more than 30 lines (200 words)
4. The poems can be touching, funny, insightful, bitingly witty or angry, but will not be considered if they contain obscenities or promote hatred or prejudice
5. E-mail two copies of your poem as a pdf attachment (in Times New Roman, 12 point). One copy should have your name, address, e-mail, and phone # written above the poem; the other should contain only the poem
6. Send them to callingallpoets@nanaimo.ca with the words “poetry submission” in the subject line
7. There is no deadline, so just keep those Nanaimo poems coming in whenever creativity strikes.
We thank all poets in advance for their submissions, but only those poets whose poems have been selected will be contacted. Keep a copy of your submission as it will not be returned to you. All poems submitted will be kept for consideration for inclusion in a possible anthology to be printed next year.
So calling all poets – Let’s celebrate poetry. Let’s hear your voices. Get creative about Nanaimo and send us your results.
A pair of anonymous poet judges will look through the submissions and choose one poem each month and it will be printed in the Daily News. City of Nanaimo inaugural poet laureate Naomi Beth Wakan will comment on the chosen poem so you can see why we liked it, and also to encourage you to write poetry.
The rules are simple:
1. You should be a resident of the Greater Nanaimo area;
2. The poem should be solely written by you (If your poem is selected you will be asked to sign a declaration that the poem is your work alone and that you have the rights to it. Submissions from people under 18 will require a parent’s signature)
3. The poem must be about Nanaimo (places and events – its past, present, future, places you like visiting, the cultural aspects, sports… whatever inspires you) and should be no more than 30 lines (200 words)
4. The poems can be touching, funny, insightful, bitingly witty or angry, but will not be considered if they contain obscenities or promote hatred or prejudice
5. E-mail two copies of your poem as a pdf attachment (in Times New Roman, 12 point). One copy should have your name, address, e-mail, and phone # written above the poem; the other should contain only the poem
6. Send them to callingallpoets@nanaimo.ca with the words “poetry submission” in the subject line
7. There is no deadline, so just keep those Nanaimo poems coming in whenever creativity strikes.
We thank all poets in advance for their submissions, but only those poets whose poems have been selected will be contacted. Keep a copy of your submission as it will not be returned to you. All poems submitted will be kept for consideration for inclusion in a possible anthology to be printed next year.
So calling all poets – Let’s celebrate poetry. Let’s hear your voices. Get creative about Nanaimo and send us your results.
call: Poems for Homeless Veterans
Dear Poet Friend,
Johnson of Cave Moon Press has invited me to edit a book that will benefit
homeless veterans. The call is below and a pdf attached so you can spread the
news far and wide. This is a worthwhile project which will have some big name
poets involved and Alfredo Arreguin’s wonderful cover art. (pdf of call here). ę„Footsteps Poems for Homeless Veterans
Edited by Paul Nelson and Doug Johnson April 2015-September 2015 Send
Submission to: cavemoonpress@gmail.com by September 30, 2015.
Moon Press is requesting original poems centered around the theme of footsteps.
Take license in interpreting whose footsteps you honor. Translations welcome. We
will also be checking with past contributors to the blog about reprinting their
pieces. This book is to honor the people instead of the causes. Cars wage war on
the environment. Politics change like the newspaper wrapping fish. The invisible
still wander. Write to honor the ignored.
Please feel free to put the call out to
poets you know. The deadline is in 8 days.
Thanks for considering sending
Paul Nelson
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Friday, September 18, 2015
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Enjoy the 2015 Sidney and Peninsula Literary Festival
Celebrate words, imagery and books through the talents
of 16 award-winning regional authors
of 16 award-winning regional authors
at the Sidney and Peninsula Literary Festival
to be held
October 2-4, 2015.
Readings, author-audience discussions, workshops, writing contests, book signings, local musicians and more.
Invited authors represent genres from mysteries and memoirs to poetry, novels, short stories and non-fiction.
Amongst the line-up are Richard Wagamese (Indian Horse), Fred Stenson (The Trade and Who by Fire), Lorna Crozier (14 books of poetry and a Governor General award-winner), Naomi Beth Wakan (Nanaimo’s Poet Laureate), Steven Galloway (Cellist of Sarajevo and The Confabulist) and William Deverell (Arthur Beauchamp detective series).
Two free workshops at Sidney’s library too: memoir writing by Wakan and creative writing for kids ages 9-12 by children’s author Nikki Tate.
A separate series of workshops will be presented by three local authors at two schools near Sidney. “This is one way we like to give back to the community,” says Sharon Hope, president of the organizing society.
The three-day Festival will wind up Sunday with a “Breakfast with the Authors” at Haro’s Restaurant where each author shares a table with half a dozen participants.Weekend pass and individual event tickets are available online at http://sidneyliteraryfestival.ca/tickets/ or at Tanner’s Books in Sidney and Munro’s Books in Victoria. Support the literary arts!
Contact: Gillian at sidneyliteraryfestival@gmail.com
Website: http://sidneyliteraryfestival.ca
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
The Living Room
A free and open democratic reading where people read their own
work and listen to others in a circle format.
Nanaimo North Branch of
the VIRL
Location: 6250 Hammond Bay Road
Second Thursday of the Month
4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Other Dates: Sept. 10th, Oct. 15th,
Bring 3 or 4 poems to read.
The Living Room is designed for new, emerging, and
established poets to come together in a sense of poetic community to share
their work. Each poet will have opportunities to read original work of a
maximum of 3 minutes. We will go around the circle without critique in the
celebration of sharing. Each reading will have a host who will keep the group
within these guidelines. Listeners are welcome.
The Living Room was initially conceived at the Taos
Poetry Circus by Amalio Madueno and
established as a regular event in Seattle by Paul Nelson of SPLAB, The Seattle
Poetry Lab. The Living Room was a part of the Cascadia Poetry Festival in
Nanaimo April 30 to May 3, 2015 where participation was 31, 42 and 52 poets at
the Living Room circle held at the Nanaimo Museum as a special event of the
festival. Come out to the Vancouver
Regional Library North Branch and continue the tradition.
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