Monday, October 17, 2016

Book Launch: October 20, 6 - 7 pm, Gabriola Library

You are invited to a book launch Thursday October 20,  6 - 7 pm

Gabriola Library,
575 North Road Everyone welcome Free, drop in

Join us at the Library for a melodic prelude with Gabriola’s vocalist and pianist: Leah Hokanson. Savouries, beverages, and books for sale.

Appreciation to Paul Grignon for the cover art "Heroic Journey", Naomi Beth Wakan and Heidi Greco for the blurb and support, and Richard Olafson for publishing this.

Lipstick Press is not publishing books now

Dear Poets Sorry to let you know we have not been publishing chapbooks since 2010. We did some online publishing - mainly for social iss...