Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Magnificent (a poem for Colten Boushie) by Lesley Strutt

I would like to dedicate this poem to Colten and all those who are grieving for him, who feel lost, frightened, unheard, unseen, excluded, trapped by systems that do not support them.

The Magnificent   
You are prism, you are kaleidoscope.
The light passes through you. Don’t give yourself away.

Feel for the light. It’s there somewhere.
It may be hidden but it’s there.

Believing this is better than not believing this.
Even if you don’t believe it search for the light anyway.

The darkness is not the enemy. There is only
this moment and what you do with it.

Practicing the light makes more light.
It may not be much at first. Practice the light anyway.

You are magnificent. Know this even in the face of ignorance.
Life is waiting to blaze through you.

Lesley Strutt is a member of PEN Canada and the League of Canadian Poets.  

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